
Showing posts with the label Madden 22 Rules

Madden 22: The most rules and tips that players easily ignore

Twenty-five game-changing madden tips that you need to know about. We're gonna go over some simple stuff that you may have never heard about before. Up to some advanced stuff that will help you win more games, and hey, if you like the content, make sure to subscribe and turn the bell icon on for more tips. Tips 1 Just like this number one, when you're in practice mode, you need to move the ball around for different reasons. Now, most people press the start button and go to the re-spot ball option, but there's a much quicker way that you can do this. If you take your left joystick and click it in as if it was a button, press the left trigger or the L. Two-button at the same time. You click both of those simultaneously, and then you can move the ball freely without having to pause the game.